For Local Orders (Curaçao):
1. Select the product(s) you would like to order
2. Send us an email (see order request below) with the DNA Lifestyle Test(s) of your choice with full name and phone number (IMPORTANT)
3. You will receive an order form from us with total amount to be paid
4. Make payment on our bank account and mention your order number (IMPORTANT)
5. We will send you a confirmation email of your order with invoice
6. You will also receive the address of the pickup point
7. Pickup your DNA Lifestyle Kit(s). Show your invoice at the counter (IMPORTANT)
8. Follow the instructions on the kit for sampling (click here for additional sample instructions)
9. Return samples in the designated envelop at the drop off point (IMPORTANT: write down your kit number)
10. Send us an email with you kit number (IMPORTANT)
11. We will send you a reconfirmation email that we have received you samples and that they are on their way for processing
12. As soon as we receive your results we will send you an email with your results
For Interinsulair Orders** (Aruba and Bonaire):
1. Select the product(s) you would like to order
2. Send us an email (see order request below) with the DNA Lifestyle Test(s) of your choice with full name and phone number (IMPORTANT)
3. You will receive an order form from us with total amount to be paid
4. Make payment on our bank account and mention your order number (IMPORTANT)
5. Once we receive your payment we will send you a confirmation email with your invoice and expecting shipping date
6. Pickup your order at the Divi Divi Air counter at the airport. Show your ID at the counter (IMPORTANT)
7. Follow the instructions on the kit for sampling (click here for additional sample instructions)
8. Write down the kit number (IMPORTANT)
9. Return samples in the shipping envelop at the Divi Divi Air counter at the airport. Follow shipping instructions (IMPORTANT).
10. When shipped send us an email with your kit number (IMPORTANT)
11. You will receive a confirmation email that we have received you samples and that they are on their way for processing
12. As soon as your results are ready you will receive an email from us with your link.
** For Aruba and Bonaire add NAG. 35,- fee for Shipping & Handling. FREE Shipping & Handling with 3 or more kits.
Appointments and Collections:
Always call first: 5230-DNA / 670-1216
Elohim Medical Center
Kaya Point-a-Pitre 2-3A
NO walk-ins permitted.
Mobile: + 5999 5230-DNA(362)
Phone: + 5999 670-1216
Facebook: dnacollectioncenter
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 17:00
Saturday + Sunday Closed
Bank Information:
Company Name:
Sigma Medical Laboratory Consultant BV
Kaya John Menge 7, Willemstad,Curaçao
Account nr.: RBC 9000218117
Please use this Order Request Form ONLY for ordering. For questions and/or information requests, please use our Request Information or Appointment Form.
DNA Collection Center © 2022 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Company site map
Contact information
Appointments and Collections:
Please always call first 5230-DNA / 670-1216
Elohim Medical Center
Kaya Point-a-Pitre 2-3A
No Walk-ins permitted.
Facebook: dnacollectioncenter
Monday to Friday
08:00 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 17:30.
Saturday and Sunday closed.
Bank information:
Company name: Sigma Medical Laboratory Consultant B.V.
Address: Kaya John Menge 7, Willemstad, Curaçao
Account nr.: RBC 9000218117
Powered & Design by: VMA - Varia Marketing - T. +5999 513-0361
DNA Collection Center is a trade name of DNA Marketing.